FX Real Capital (ФХ Реал Капитал) https://fxrealcapital.com

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Телефон: +18889201392

Адрес: Canada, Montreal, Sun Life Centre, office 357

О компании

ReaL CapitaL is a market leader in investment services in Canada, North-Western Europe, Australia, Russia and the USA.

Since the inception of ReaL CapitaL, the team has managed to achieve impressive results and become a key partner for clients around the world, providing access to international markets.

Our success is primarily based on exceptional analytics, thanks to a large staff of experienced traders, and competent risk management aimed at long-term capital growth.

All customers can enjoy long-term sustainable business growth that is built on the trust and reliability of ReaL CapitaL.

All client funds are kept in segregated accounts with the world’s leading banks with an ‘A’ rating.

1 отзыв
  1. Reply
    Екатерина 18.10.2022 at 11:07

    Paбoтaла я c этими товарищами, ecли этo мoжнo нaзвaть paбoтoй. Kaк тoлькo я пepecтaла пoпoлнять cчeт меня тyт жe cлили. После того как проревела почти неделю,так как сумма была приличная, мне помогли найти способ вернуть свои деньги, пpoцecc cлoжный, нo вoзмoжный. Еcли нyжны пoдpoбнocти звоните 7 (499) 495-13-62 или пишите на почту financial-yurist@yandex.ru

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